Project Start Date: 06-06-2007 Project End Date: 03-10-2010

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Checking In!

I really can't believe October was the last time I checked in on this. Yikes. That definitely doesn't make it easy for me to blog about the books I've been reading.

76 out of 101: I Loved, I lost, I made Spaghetti- I really thought I'd enjoy this book. I mean whats not to love about a book that is about food, and love? But in all honesty I really didn't enjoy this book very much, if at all. The recipes didn't sound appetizing (which was surprising) and the author's relationships never had any growth.

77 out of 101: Brisingr- This book was *sooo* good! I am so glad that I got back into the Eragon series. This book was filled with action, adventure, and it even made me cry twice. Which is always a sign of a really good book to me. I loved it and I can't wait for the last book!

78 out of 101: Harry Potter and the Sorceres Stone- I finally decided that it's time to see what all the fuss is about. I really enjoyed this book a lot. I gotta admit I was a little nervous at first, especially since it seemed younger than most of the other young adult books I've read before. But I remembered hearing that the books really grow as Harry does, so I just pushed that out of my mind. I really enjoyed the book, even though it was a different take on fantasy from the Eragon series.

79 out of 101: LA Candy- This is the first novel writen by LC, or Lauren Conrad of the Hills. I *love* LC, and am a big fan of both Laguna Beach and the Hills... I always by US weekly when she is on the cover, so I thought I'd love this book. NOPE! It was really just okay, and probably the only reason I'd even say that is because of my loyalty to LC. I dunno what it was exactly, but this book just rubbed me the wrong way. Even a quality that I love on the hills annoyed the heck out of me in the book (In the hills each episode is titled a phrase that will later be said on the show, same with the titles of each of her chapters) It just seemed that the book lacked creativity as it was "fiction" based off of life as a reality star, or her life.

80 out of 101: Best Friends Forever- This was the first book that I read by Jennifer Weiner, and I must say I wasn't impressed. I found the characters really annoying (especially Val) and the relationship between Val and Addie very strange. In fact, a lot of this book was just plan weird. I didn't like it, was barely entertained by it, and found myself rushing to finish it so I could move onto something more worthy of my time.

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