Project Start Date: 06-06-2007 Project End Date: 03-10-2010

Sunday, October 5, 2008

47 out of 101: Twilight

So after seeing this book around for a while, and wondering what it was all about I finally decided to give it a try, since my friend and co-worker also started reading the book. I must say that I was very impressed, and enjoyed this book that I truly had a hard time putting it down. Despite the size of the book, it wasn't such a long read considering the font size is rather large. The writing style of the author is smooth and makes for easy reading. Plus the story line itself is just awesome and completely captivating.

I'm not one to be into vampires or any kind of science fiction type books like that, but this one was really great. Because overall it is a love story, and who doesn't enjoy a good love story every once in a while. This book was so great that I already bought New Moon (the second book in the series) and will start reading it tonight. I have started a few series (The Left Behind Series, Eragon, Confessions of a Shopaholic--etc) but this is the first since the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants that I enjoyed so much I want to read the books consecutively. Hopefully this next one will be just as good.