Project Start Date: 06-06-2007 Project End Date: 03-10-2010

Saturday, February 23, 2008

34 out of 101: Can You Keep a Secret

Haha... I just realized that the last book I read also had the word "secret" in the title... how funny!

Okay but this book was nothing like the last. This book came from one of my favortie genres... CHICK LIT! I love, love chick lit, as it is the equivelant of a chick flick. A nice read that is light ad fluffy. And I would have to say that this was one of the best chick lit books I have read in quite sometime.

Basically it's about a girl, who on a flight spills all of her secrets to the stranger sitting next to her. Not too big of a deal right??? At least not until she goes to work the next day and sees "him", it just so happens that this stranger happens to be the CEO of the company she works for. The book is light and funny, and the characters are enjoyable. I would have to say that Sophie Kinsella definitely has some of the best chick lit books.

Overall a really fun, lighthearted read.... just what I was needing!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

33 out of 101: The Secret

Recently a friend of mine recommended to me a book that she read (and enjoyed) called The Secret. So I went out and bought it, since I had also heard postive reviews of it from others. It was a fairly quick read, I definitely think I could have finished it a lot faster if it hadn't been for homework and just overall tiredness. But I finished it today, so even with everything going on it only took me a few days.

Overall it was a decent read. The Secret's main focus is on the importance of positive thinking, and how like attracts like. I really enjoyed the concept of the book, and the overall message truely did make a lot of sense to me. The only big downfall I could see in the book was that it was a bit repetitive.

I think its time for a break though, and my next book is going to be some chick lit.... something light and fluffy sounds great right about now.... :) Happy Reading!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

32 out of 101: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Okay, so I admit that this wasn't a book I chose for myself. It was required reading for my intro to politics course at school. But still, I read it, and even finished it before we even need to have it finished, so I figured I'd go ahead and count it.

When I first started this book last week I wasn't too excited about it. I don't know if it was because of some distractions in real life or what but I just couldn't focus on the story line and I found it terribly confusing. However as I got a little further along in the book I started getting into it, and wanting to know what was going to happen next. Overall it was a pretty good book. Not something I'd choose to read again, and probably not even something I'd come right out and reccomend to anyone to read. But if you find yourself having to read this for a class or something I think it'd be safe to say it's an enjoyable read.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

31 out of 101: The Fabulous Girl's Guide to Decorum

Blah. I didn't really enjoy this book at all. It was one of those books that I found myself just trying to finish already so that I could move on to something else. I even found myself skipping pages, not a good sign at all.

I just didn't find it that great. Honestly it was almost annoying. It was especially irritating to me that the authors kept saying "An Fabulous Girl" or "An FG" instead of "A". Maybe it's because their Canadian?

On to something better (I hope!)...