Project Start Date: 06-06-2007 Project End Date: 03-10-2010

Monday, August 3, 2009

More books!

60 out of 101: The Time Traveler's Wife

I decided to read this book after seeing the previews for the movie that is coming out this month. The book was good, but not great. I never felt really emotionally involved in the characters. And the whole time traveling was a little confusing at times. Maybe it was the author's writing style? I dunno. But I didn't love this book like I was hoping I would. Still a good book, but nothing I would recommend to anyone as something they had to read. Hopefully this will be one of those rare cases that the movie is actually better than the book.

61 out of 101: The Beach House

This was the first book I checked out with my new library card! I've seen it before, and picked it up at the book stores, but just didn't know if it was worth spending my money on. I enjoyed this book. It was chick lit, so it was light and fluffy, which I was in need of after TTTW. I got sucked into this book quickly, and I like how it was about several main characters, but their stories all intertwined. It was great beach reading material!

62 out of 101: The Pillars of the Earth

Wow! This book was unlike anything I have ever read before. Not only was it a huge book (probably the biggest I've ever read at nearly 1,000 pages!) but it was also a historical fiction book. I don't normally read historical fiction, but this was a great introduction for me. I enjoyed it a lot, and I'm so glad I gave it a chance. There were some very frustrating parts, as the characters were either really good, or really evil. Great, great book! Although I will say that this is not a book that you should try to rush through, I tried to get through the last 200+ pages today on my day off, and have a bit of a headache as a which actually sucks in a way because it took away from me totally enjoying the last of this great book.

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