Project Start Date: 06-06-2007 Project End Date: 03-10-2010

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A few more

69 out of 101: Julie and Julia

This book was okay, I went into it with pretty low expectations due to all of the negative reviews I had heard of it. Truthfully it wasn't that bad, at least not to me. I thought it was an awesome concept for the book, but it just didn't make for a great read. It had a lot of potential that it just didn't live up to. Also I love food, but mostly everything that she cooked sounded gross to me (maybe it's a good thing I'm not French?!) Especially the crap with the bone marrow! Yuck!

70 out of 101: The Hunger Games

I had heard a lot of great reviews for this book. But after reading the book description it really didn't sound like anything special. But after getting a really good borders coupon, I decided to go ahead and buy it and give it a try. Wow. It was *really* good!!! Since it was young adult it was a short, quick read, but honestly I think the story itself is what made it so hard to put down. And yeah, I gotta say it... I'm team Peeta!!!!

71 out of 101: Catching Fire

This is the sequel to The Hunger Games. I tried to start it while we were on vacation, which didn't work out so well because there really was no free time to read. But as soon as I got back home I picked this book back up and finished it fast. It was amazing, yet frustrating all at once. Which again made it hard to put down. I loved it and can not wait for the next book in the series!!!!

72 out of 101: Shutter Island

I was pretty nervous to start this book, as it is totally out of my reading comfort zone. But I heard it was pretty good, and I've been seeing the previews for the movie (with Leonardo Di Caprio! --- he fits this part perfectly!). This book wasn't really what I thought it'd be (scary) it was more suspense/mysteryish. It was like a rollercoaster though almost the whole way through. It really kept me guessing at what was going on and what was going to happen next. Not the best book I've ever read, but still a good solid read. I can't wait to see the movie!