Project Start Date: 06-06-2007 Project End Date: 03-10-2010

Monday, July 6, 2009


So I've still been slacking with the blog. I've been reading though, and I'm trying to get myself motivated to pick up the blogging more regularly again. This isn't the only blog of mine that I've been slacking on though, so it looks like I have some work cut out for me.

56 out of 101: No regrets: 101 Fabulous Things to do Before You're too Old, Married, or Pregnant-- This book was okay. It had some fun ideas, and was an easy read, but as usually the case with these sort of books, it wasn't anything that I felt compelled to spend my free time reading.

57 out of 101: The Reader-- I had some friends who read this and or saw the movie and loved it, so I decided to pick it up and read it on our flight to our honeymoon. It was short, and I finished it fast, but it wasn't as great as I thought it'd be. Maybe it was the writing style or something, but I just didn't feel emotionally attached to the characters. Hopefully the movie will be better, I should be getting it on netflix soon.

58 out of 101: The Lovely Bones-- I really enjoyed this book, it wasn't by any means the best book I've ever read. And I don't know that I would go around recommending it to people, but it was good. The story line was crazy, and a lot of action happened right away. I thought the way the story was told was interesting, and I was happy with the ending.

59 out of 101: The Host-- This book is written by Stephanie Myer, who wrote the Twilight Saga (which I loved!) I *really* liked this book! The first chapter was a little rough for me, but I think that had more to do with the fact that I was reading it at work during lunch, and some co-workers were chatting, just made it a little tough for me to concentrate. Also the internal dialogue took me a little bit to get used to. But wow, this book was great! I was completely sucked into the story, and it was one of those rare books that I found myself making time to read when I was at home. This is a book I'd recommend to my friends to read, no doubt about it.